Hello dearies!
In honor of Earth Day and the natural beauty of the world, today's Coast to Coast Challenge was EARTHY. Woo hoo! I love the earth! I am pro-preserving the Lord's raw and marvelous creation. That includes embracing natural beauty.
I have always been a spokeswoman for minimal to no makeup. I didn't start wearing makeup until my Junior year of high school, because I would rather sleep an extra 30 minutes beforehand. As I continue to grow up and mature, I find myself becoming more and more comfortable in the skin and body the Lord gave me. This is not an easy thing to do, but it is more important than you could ever realize! It is nearly impossible to love anyone else until you learn to love yourself. This is where I thank God for his mercies & his perfect example of love.
So today, as I was thinking Earthy thoughts, I decided to go completely Au Natural. No makeup, no hair styling, no clothes {ha ha, just kidding!}
Stripping away all that extra stuff really made me appreciate the day more. My naked face was more than excited to drink in this amazing Spring weather!
So in honor of Earth Day & loving yourself in the body God has given you, I dare you to go naked! {not all the way, obviously} Naked in the sense that you don't feel hidden behind a screen of beauty products and makeup. You are beautiful and your confidence will make everyone notice that!
{the outfit low-down:}
1. dress: Solitaire
2. belt: mom's/vintage
3. boots: Minnetonka
4. bracelets: gifted {Florida, Paris, Haiti}
Embrace the naturale this week! Give your skin and hair a break & let them breathe in this beautiful fresh Spring air. Get some Vitamin D-full sunshine rays, and eat yummy fruits and vegetables. Your body will be so happy, I promise!
Okay I'm done with my mom lecture now. I love you guys ;)
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